LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [Image->Pixel] Category Image
Type Member Source Available No
Support Preferred Version 7.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type None Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0


Returns the color of the pixel located at the specified pixel coordinates (X,Y). The returned value is an array of RGB color integers (0-255) by default. An optional -Hex parameter returns a hex color string (#FFCCDD) instead of an RGB array.


[Image Variable->Pixel]


No Parameters Required.


To return pixel information about an image:

Use the [Image->Pixel] tag on a defined image variable. This returns a string value representing the color of the pixel at the specified coordinates.

[Var: 'MyImage' =(Image: '/images/image.jpg')]
[$MyImage->(Pixel: 25, 125, -Hex)]